
April 22, 2008

SN-32/07-08 (English Vers)





Celebration of the 80 th anniversary of the

OAS Retirement and Pension Fund



The Retirement and Pension Plan of the Organization of American States was conceived as a means to protect the staff members of the then Pan American Union, later the Organization of American States, in their old age after retirement. Created on May 2nd, 1928, the Plan preceded many of the social achievements of the international civil service community and even quite a few of the social security programs in the Americas. As a result of innovations introduced in the course of its 80 years of operation, the Plan has remained a modern and progressive instrument.

Although initially established for the benefit of the staff of the OAS General Secretariat, over the years the staffs of other institutions of the Inter-American System have been allowed to participate in the Plan under special agreements. Besides OAS employees, at present employees of the following institutions also participate actively in the Plan: the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture(IICA), the Inter-American Defense Board, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE).

Please join us to celebrate the Fund’s eightieth anniversary


Date:   Friday, May 2, 2008


Time:    5:00 p.m.


Place:   Patio and Cafeteria of the General Secretariat Building (GSB)


RSVP by April 28th

[email protected]


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