
August 11, 2006


JULY 18, 2006

Good afternoon to you all! 

First of all, thank you very much for having me here.  Let me say here that we are all colleagues in this organization, from whatever grade level and from wherever we come. 

We are lucky as a multilateral organization to have such a diversity of people, not only from different countries, but also in terms of gender, culture and length of service––it’s indeed a quite diverse community. 

I must say that we have a lot of challenges ahead but at the same time I have to recognize the enormous value that you represent for the OAS and for the member states. Basically, you represent the Americas in terms of what we need to do and how we do it. 

The member states issue mandates and provide funding -- although sometimes the tools are insufficient for the task. However, you, the ones that carry out the work, are without doubt the flagship of our organization.  

On behalf of the Secretary General but also on behalf of the General Secretariat staff, I want to thank the President and the whole outgoing team for their efforts over the past year.  I understand that this is your last meeting, so it is part celebration and part, probably, sad occasion.  Thank you very much for all your contributions.  

In my view, it is important that we always maintain a good relationship between the leadership of this organization and the Staff Association. In that regard, I was pleased to have the Staff Association a couple of times in my office over the past year to discuss some specific issues. One of the important roles of the leadership is to discuss issues of importance that are relevant to you.  

Let me also welcome the new President, Mr. Gutiérrez, and his team.  There is a lot of experience in this team. I told Bruce Rickerson a few minutes ago that I know he is an experienced politician and I hope he doesn’t give us too many punches now that he has come on board as part of the Staff Association’s leadership. 

Let me say something about how we look at the Organization from the leadership and policy perspective.  The OAS stands for something.  It is a working and relevant organization, and it needs to be recognized as such.   

We know about the criticisms of this Organization as well as of other subregional or regional organizations.  Regardless of the criticism, I always say that the OAS stands for something that is unique in the hemisphere but its mandates can only be fulfilled and its objectives achieved if we have a staff that can dedicate its full attention and expertise to what needs to be done. 

As a member of the OAS staff, I feel comfortable being here with you.  I understand that this kind of direct engagement with the organization’s leadership happened before, but not often.  I would like to see this happening more consistently, not only at the annual meeting but on a regular basis when there is need for direct communication and engagement. 

In building a solid organization, in my view––and I come from the private sector, and many of us here come from the private sector or have some private sector experience––you basically need four elements.   

One is, clearly, that you need a purpose and a vision, and I have no doubt that there is a purpose and a vision for this organization as outlined by the Secretary General Insulza last year when he spoke about where we want to be. 

What you need also, in second place, is good visionary leadership, leadership that knows where it wants to take the organization in five to ten years so that you have benchmarks to measure performance. I think we have that.  If you are not convinced, I’d like to hear how we can improve. 

Thirdly, you need good facilities, good equipment, an entire infrastructure and environment that is conducive to optimal performance.  Nobody likes to work in an office that is broken down, or is leaking, or the air conditioning is not functioning. That kind of environment negatively affects the ability of staff to deliver. 

And the last element is having good, qualified, dedicated, and committed personnel, and I think that’s what you all represent here today.   

If you bring all these four elements together, you can build a solid organization that can present itself as a viable and important organization that can deliver high quality and in a timely fashion. 

I believe that we can be even stronger than we are but we have some challenges ahead of us.   

First of all, Rosa María Barreiro sits here, and we have spoken about this on many occasions in my capacity as Chairman of the Selection Committee.  I strongly believe in a fair, transparent, accountable organization.  We need to put in place better systems to hire people.  I know we are part of a political organization but we need to focus also on the functionality and the quality of the work that needs to be delivered, and that cannot be solved only by geographical and political representation.  We need to create greater confidence in your ability to trust us, so we need to put in place much more transparent and fair procedures.  We’re going to look in depth at what needs to be done to accomplish this.  

The second challenge I see––and this is not meant as a negative, because every organization goes through this––is that many of you have given so many years, some a lifetime, to this organization, and at some point there comes an end to that.  A significant number of our staff will be retiring in the next few years. This is normal. People join an organization and at some point leave the organization because of retirement or to pursue another opportunity. As an organization, we have to be prepared to respond to transition. We have to be an organization that is capable of functioning without interruption, and we will not be able to do so if we do not have succession planning and career planning.  Training interests are also going to be looked into and I believe that a survey is being conducted as a first step to identify the training needs of our staff.  So I believe that’s the second challenge which we need to address. 

Of course, we will have to strengthen capacity in certain areas.  In Conferences, which falls under my responsibility, we need to improve and to increase capacity. I’m going to ask for that, and I will beg for your support because I believe that this is important.  This organization thrives on meetings, on the service of meetings, on the reporting, on the documentation. If we do not have that right, in 20 to 30 years we will not know what this organization did or what were the member states’ positions on issues that may have impacted the hemisphere in profound ways. 

The last challenge I see––and there will be many more that you can identify––is strengthening the culture of this organization, the culture of unity, of working together.  I’ll be frank about this.  In the past months, I have observed areas of strain in the organization e.g. inadequate communication, lack of unity on policy implementation and insularity of different units.  We have to become more cohesive. We represent only one organization, and that is the OAS. 

Our vision is to further build an organization so that at the end of five years we can say this is a solid, respected organization that gets the job done. 

That’s basically what I wanted to say to you all.  The Secretary General and I are ready to meet with you to discuss long-term strategic planning, to talk about career planning, to talk about improving equipment and facilities.  I’m not promising that any of that will be realized to your optimum needs, but at least there is a willingness to start working toward improvement. 

I’m prepared to come anytime you wish to these meetings, but also to the different units of the organization.   

Once again, thank you very much for having me here.  It’s not the last time, I hope, and I wish the new board good luck and success, and I look forward to your vision in terms of strengthening this organization. 

Thank you very much.


Following please find the links to the videos of the other presentations given
during the Annual Staff Assembly

Address by the President of the 2005-2006 Staff Committee 


Address by the Staff Association Representative to the
Retirement and Pension Fund Committee


Address by the President of the 2006-2007 Staff Committee 



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