
February 8, 2005



There is a national crisis in Guyana,
(See PAHO report http://www.paho.org/english/dd/ped/guyana0105.htm).
Unprecedented rainfall caused flooding along the coastal regions,
with a record 30 inches during the first two weeks of January.
There has not been such severe flooding in Guyana for more than 100 years,
according to the records. Flooding started on the coastal areas on January 15, 2005
and residents continue to face major problems.

In Georgetown, the capital, alone,
UNICEF believes that at least 120,000 people are affected and at least 40 percent are children and estimates around 200,000 people on the East Coast and West Coast and
East Bank of Demerara are suffering consequences of the flooding,
as water rose in excess of 3 feet in some communities and remains that way to today.

Over 200,000 of Guyana's population have been either displaced from their homes,
do not have access to clean water, lack adequate food supplies and threatened by various illnesses like malaria, dengue and gastro to name a few. An outbreak of Leptospirosis,
a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals, has been reported with consequent confirmed deaths.

Monetary donations are the most effective way to help alleviate the crisis.
We urge you to send your contributions to account
#200663 at the
OAS Staff Federal Credit Union in order to help the victims.

Thank you for your solidarity.

Please send your donations before March 15, 2005.


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