
November 25,  2003

SN-49 eng/03-04



This document contains a summary of the activities of the 2003-2004 Staff Committee in the month of August and a few notices of interest to staff.

Meeting of the Staff Committee with the Secretary General’s Chief of Staff

A meeting was held on Friday, August 1, between the members of the 2003-2004 Staff Committee and Mr. Fernando Jaramillo, Chief of Staff of the Secretary General, in the Secretary General’s offices. Taking part in this meeting were the following members of the 2003-2004 Staff Committee: René L. Gutiérrez (Chair), Miguel A. Merino (Vice Chair), Gladys Berly, Juan Carlos García, Carlos Humud, Raúl Plata, Lucrecia Zea-Yonker and Ana María Lemos and Aída M. Rothe (alternate members). See also Staff News #10.

Agreement on the use of the OAS logo

The Committee authorized the President of the Staff Association to sign the agreement on the use of the OAS logo. This logo will be used on articles to be put on sale in our Gift Shop. A seed fund will be available to get this project underway and various fund-raising options are being studied. The agreement was signed on August 21, in the presence of the Assistant Secretary for Management, acting on behalf of the Secretary General.

Contributions to the Association

The President proposed keeping up efforts to obtain more members and ensure that existing members keep up to date with their contributions. In order to attract new members and offer additional benefits, an effort will be made to obtain special discounts in restaurants and other places of interest to the staff.

At the same time, a “Friends of the Association” group could be formed to solve the problem of some employees who are not members because of “conflicts of interest.” This arrangement would allow them to contribute and, at the same time, benefit from the perks that the Association provides for its contributors.

Loyalty Benefit

The President reported that we currently have 369 paying members and that the Life Insurance (“Loyalty Benefit”) would bring in more as well as induce payments by those in arrears. He suggested starting this benefit with US$2,000 (two thousand dollars), per member. To form this “Loyalty Benefit” fund, one suggestion is to use US$10,000 (ten thousand dollars) of Staff Association resources as a seed fund, to be built up with monthly payments averaging US$2 from each contributing member of the Association, without any need to increase the current percentage membership quota.

The Association would send each of its members a form to fill in when presenting an updating request. That form would indicate the name or names of the beneficiary(ies), in the event of the contributor’s decease. This would take effect from the moment the form is signed. This benefit would expire when the staff member concerned retires, stops contributing, or fails to pay the updated contribution to the Staff Association. If no beneficiary exists, the benefit could go to the Terry Woods Foundation, which is a fund benefiting all personnel. It was also decided to adjust contributions automatically every August.

Weekend activities

Raúl Plata met with Magaly Rothe, in their capacity as members of the Events Subcommittee, to work on a directory of the most appealing restaurants in the Washington area. He said another idea would be to present for each weekend a list of amusing things to do. He said enquiries were also being made with other international organizations, such as PAHO, the IDB, and the World Bank about the possibilities of joining their “Happy Hour” celebrations.


Nubia González requested a special tribute for Vanessa Redington, the daughter of our colleague Gala Redington, as she has been helping the Christmas Party Subcommittee for the past 10 years. The Committee agreed and Vanessa will receive public recognition and a diploma at the celebration.

Work Plan

Gladys Berly handed the Committee’s Work Plan for 2003-2004 to those present at the meeting. As proposed at the previous meeting, this plan contains the four items of most concern to this Committee: the Evaluation System, Continuous Contracts, Harassment in the Workplace, and the Management Study. This Work Plan was discussed and it was suggested that the members of each subcommittee should be included.

As regards the Evaluations System, a survey is being prepared, which will be sent to OAS personnel on September 5. Later, the winner of the raffle used as an incentive to elicit replies to the survey will be announced during the celebration of Dr. Leo S. Rowe, on September 17.

With respect to continuous contracts, the President was urged to ensure compliance with the outcomes of each of the processes and to report to the Committee on a regular basis.

As for Harassment in the Workplace, it was agreed to set dates for the subcommittee to present progress reports to the Committee for possible forwarding to the Secretary General. Before concluding discussion of this topic, the President announced that Mr. Milton Castillo had donated five books on harassment in the workplace to the subcommittee, as reference material.

With respect to the Management Study, no subcommittee had yet been formed on the subject. It was then installed as follows: René Gutierrez, Gladys Berly, Juan Carlos García and Miguel Angel Merino. It was agreed that the first step would be to request a meeting with the consulting firm of Messrs. Deloitte & Touche.

Vacancy and reclassification announcements

The President said that staff had already been told the difference between an internal and external competition. As regards reclassifications, he said that the fact that these posts are now announced as open to competition is due to a petition to that effect by the Staff Association some years back. This step was taken in order to do away with favoritism and achieve greater transparency in the process. However, we should ask the Secretary General not to make reclassified positions subject to open competition. We could also request that when a position is announced, it should also be stated whether a candidate exists for the job.


The President said he had had a meeting with the Chair of AROAS, Domingo Acevedo, who offered to provide legal advice to the Staff Committee. The President indicated that the “Loyalty Benefit” idea was going to be forwarded to the members of AROAS for them to examine the idea and how it might be implemented.

Meeting with Deloitte & Touche

According to plan, the members met to discuss the topics to be addressed with the representatives of Deloitte & Touche, before they arrived. Then the President welcomed the three representatives of that firm and asked each of the members of the Committee to introduce themselves. Once the introductions were over, Deloitte & Touche’s Gregg Prillaman commented that he had already spoken to over 400 people about what the firm was working on and not working on in the Organization, about the financial projects, the financial process, and the technological means at its disposal. He said member states were keen to raise OAS productivity; that is why they had hired the consulting firm and why it would have to present the Management Study to propose some solution. He said that the firm had already handed in a summary to the Consultative Committee in order for the Committee to say whether the firm was moving in the right direction; apparently, the Committee thought it was. Consequently, they now had to submit an analysis, followed by a recommendation, indicating what was being done well and what needed to be changed.

Then a number of different topics were addressed such as the lack of funds, reclassifications, priorities, staff training, the budget, the Offices of the General Secretariat away from headquarters, etc.

At the end of the meeting, the representatives of Deloitte & Touche asked what we, as a Committee, expected to find in the report they would submit. They were asked to be transparent and fair and to place the issues in a healthy context . 


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