Nominating Committee 17-18

(202) 370-4645

June 6th , 2017 ~Update~

NC - 1 /17-18

Original: English



-Please note new deadline to receive nominations-

In accordance with the Statutes of the OAS Staff Association, the Nominating Committee met on June 2th, 2017, and elected Ms. María Elena De La Flor as President of the Nominating Committee 2017-18.

 The Nominating Committee urges all members of the Staff Association to present candidates for:

• President of the Staff Association

• Members of the Staff Committee, and

• A Representative and an Alternate Representative to the Retirement and  Pension Committee

The nominating petition link must be used. (See below)

The election of all the above to actively represent the interests of staff members of the General Secretariat is of crucial importance. It is the duty of each staff member to carefully select the nominees and to give them full and enthusiastic support.

Nomination is an honor and a trust that should be valued and is an opportunity to participate in the empowerment of our Association and of the Organization.

Nominations must be delivered to the President of the Nominating Committee or to any of the Nominating Committee members by 5:30 PM on Wednesday, June 28th, 2017.


María Elena De la Flor  (President)

GSB 792-A 

Michael Bejos                             

GSB 831

Lorine Durski                             

GSB 876 A

Karoline Oliveira                        

GSB 876-D

María José Muñoz                     

GSB 876-C

María Fernanda Solano             

GSB 666-C

Rosa Munarriz                            

GSB 874-A


Each nomination must be endorsed by the signatures of at least six staff members of the General Secretariat. The presentation of each proposed candidate should be accompanied by a brief resume in English and/or Spanish (preferably both) and a recent photograph, black and white if possible, of the candidate. The profiles submitted by the candidates should include only biographical information, education, work experience, any association memberships and a personal statement related to your interest in serving on the Staff Association or on the Retirement and Pension Committee. The profile should not exceed 350 words. Please see format profile available in the following link:

Candidate profile: English 

Please access the nominating petition in the following link  :: Nominating  Petition ::


María Elena De la Flor


Nominating Committee


:: Staff Association Website::