
From the Staff Committee 2016-2017

(202) 370-4645

November  1st, 2016


Original: English





The Staff Committee met with Secretary General Almagro on October 17th, 2016, to discuss matters of importance to staff.

The President began by thanking the Secretary General (SG) for the message of condolences he sent and his Chief of Staff read at the Memorial Service for Mrs. Claudia Erazo, held on October 14th, 2016.  The President also thanked the SG for unfreezing the competitions.


Staff morale

The President highlighted the importance of working towards a better work environment and a zero tolerance policy on harassment. The Secretary General asked the Committee to present him with specific issues that could be swiftly addressed. The President emphasized the importance of having standardized procedures across the board to avoid differential treatment of staff. The President informed the Secretary General  that the Staff Committee had sent a list of HR functions to the Secretary of Administration and Finance of some procedures that the Committee believes need to be standardized within the context of SAF. The Secretary General committed to following up on the matter, requesting that the Committee provides him with the list. 

The President also indicated that there is a great deal of stress and anxiety among staff, citing the yearly reductions in the staff complement, compounded by the recent departure of 26 staff members who accepted incentive packages, as major contributing factors.  She added that staff continues to work on fulfilling mandates despite staff reductions and eliminations. The Committee requested that the Secretary General takes measures towards reducing the stress on staff, suggesting as a first step, to indicate to member states that under the present circumstances, given the budgetary constraints, not all mandates can be fulfilled. 

The Secretary General proposed to work with the Staff Committee to identify jobs or areas that are under high levels of pressure and realign accordingly. He insisted that the Secretariats should let him know what work they are able to perform under the current circumstances and what work they cannot reasonably perform, so that he may provide member states with concrete information on the matter. The President indicated that realignment could help and offered the assistance of the Staff Committee in that regard, to ensure that staff interests are represented. The Secretary General proposed to send a joint communication with the Staff Committee requesting the job description of all the posts from each Secretariat with a view towards addressing the issue of realignment.



The President informed the Secretary General of the Staff Committee’s concern that the Committee on Transfers established by the Secretary General had only met once to-date. The Secretary General indicated that he would convene a meeting of the Committee on Transfers to have a broad discussion on the matter.


Flexible Work Arrangements

The Committee presented the Secretary General with a proposal on flexible work arrangements. The President went over the main objectives of the proposal and indicated that the results of a survey administered by the Committee earlier this year confirm that the proposed measures were very appealing to the staff.  The proposal was well received by the Secretary General, and the Committee was informed that his Office would forward the proposal to the Department of Legal Services and Department of Human Resources for review and comments and to provide a response on the feasibility of proposal within three days.


Town Hall

Finally, the matter of Secretary General’s Town Hall Meeting was discussed.  The Secretary General proposed November 7, 2016, as the date for the next Town Hall Meeting. The President suggested inviting member states to the Town Hall Meeting, so they can hear directly from staff.  The Secretary General indicated that he would consider the  proposal.


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