

From the President of the Staff Association

(202) 458-6230- Fax (202) 458-3466

November 30th, 2010

SN-44/10-11 Original: English


A smile to the Children of "La Clinica del Pueblo"

            The upcoming holidays are a time for sharing love, happiness, and hope with others.

            Over the years, “La Clínica del Pueblo,” located in Washington D.C., has relied on the generosity of donors who help them bring the holiday spirit to the families they serve throughout the year.

            As it has done in past years, the OAS Staff Association will continue to help “La Clínica del Pueblo” by donating Christmas toys to the children of the families served by the clinic. Therefore, we will be holding a toy drive from December 1-15, 2010, in the lobbies of the GSB and ADM buildings.

            Together, let’s make this year’s Posada* event a time of reaching out and including within our circle the most vulnerable and in need!

            Thank you in advance for your kind support.


     * It is a celebration of the Nativity for many Latin American countries and is celebrated nine days before     

          Christmas Eve.

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