
 July 1, 2010

                                             SN 67/09-10 corr


Letter sent by the Staff Committee to the Secretary General with regard  to early separation offers

  On Tuesday, June 29, 2010, the enclosed letter was sent to the Secretary General. 


                                                                                                  Washington D.C., June 29, 2010

SA 42/09-10

Dear Mr. Secretary General:

            The Staff Committee has been observing with concern the differing approaches taken by the Administration in dealing with staff and the various offers of separation packages being made by the Department of Human Resources.

            With respect to these separations, the Staff Committee first notes that on repeated occasions, most recently at the May 11, 2010 Special Staff Assembly, you insisted that these packages would be strictly “voluntary”.  However, the manner in which the packages have been offered leaves no doubt that the affected staff members have very little choice in the matter.

            To begin with, in certain cases, staff members who have been offered a package have at the same time been told by the Administration that there is no funding for their post in the 2011 budget.  In addition, the Staff Committee has been contacted by several staff members who have received offers and who were given less than 48 hours in which to respond. Finally, and perhaps most troubling, is the fact that the Administration is proceeding to terminate the contracts of at least one of those staff members who refused the separation package. 

            In this regard, it makes absolutely no sense to call these offers “voluntary”, as the end result appears to be the same for those staff members who accept the package and those who do not: separation from service.

            In this connection, it is worth noting that at the May 11, 2010 Special Staff Assembly, you stated,

“No voy a echar a nadie que lleva 13 años en la institución.”

            Nonetheless, it appears that management has ignored this clear statement by the head of the General Secretariat, and staff members with many years of service (more than 13), have been informed of the termination of their contracts on July 15, 2010. 

            We appreciate that it is the discretion of the Secretary General to whom and how to offer separation packages, and in addition to decide which contracts not to renew.  However, it is our opinion, based on personal accounts received by the Committee, that the Administration has opted to take measures that we deem to be not transparent, and exercising such a level of undue pressure that it is generating an unnecessary level of adversity throughout the staff.

In light of the foregoing, the Staff Committee would like to respectfully request the following from the Administration: 

•           That the process of voluntary separation be carried out with transparency, by having the conditions for the separation officially publicized;

•           That a reasonable period of time (no less than two weeks), be given to staff members to decide on any package that is offered to them;

•           What criteria are being used to determine which posts will be eliminated.

•           Clarification as to whether the positions that are becoming vacant will be eliminated or frozen, or some alternative plan;

•           Clarification of what will happen to the functions carried out by the staff members whose posts will be eliminated;

•           The planned monetary target for the reduction;

•           If the voluntary separation process does not meet the planned target, what criteria will be used for a reduction in staff; and

•           Will the criteria used in the past regarding the prohibition of contracting staff members who have accepted separation packages still be applied.


René L. Gutíerrez


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