
April 20th 2010

                                             SN- 49/09-10


The OAS Bike to Work Month


The OAS Bikers Group invites you to celebrate Earth Day and to contribute to Greening the OAS one bike at a time 


Please, join us by biking to work from April 22nd to May 21st.  You can keep a log of your traveled miles and on May 21st we will announce and handle to the Office of the Secretary General and the OAS Staff Association a declaration highlighting the total amount of miles traveled by the OAS bikers during the whole month. 

As well, on May 21st at 9:00 am we will take a picture of the participants.  Please, bring your bike to the entrance of the GSB. This picture will be our statement of greening the OAS one bike at a time.


For registration, question or comments about this event, please contact Francisco Burgos at ext. 6818 or by email at [email protected].


You always can stop by the 7th Floor, suite 718-B.


Let’s green the OAS one bike at a time.




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