
From the Staff Committee 2011-2012

(202) 458-6230- Fax (202) 458-3466

September 29, 2011

FYI #3/11-12  Original: English


Did you know that Executive Order No. 05-7, Rev 1 establishes Staff Rule 101.10 which prohibits workplace harassment?

Rule No. 101.10 establishes that no staff member, irrespective of position or grade, no independent contractor, and no intern, shall commit Workplace Harassment.  All shall strive to treat each other with respect and dignity in the workplace.

It also defines that Workplace Harassment as: 

(i)                 Discrimination and prejudice based on race, religion, creed, or gender intended to harm or to favor others in the workplace or otherwise in the performance of their official duties;

(ii)          Discrimination and prejudice, based on national origin intended to harm or to favor others in the workplace or otherwise in the performance of their official duties, provided, however, that preferences based on national origin to the extent necessary to obtain geographic distribution as required under Article 120 of the Charter do not constitute a violation of this Rule;

(iii)         Sexual harassment in the workplace or otherwise in the performance of official duties under Staff Rule 101.8, and as defined in the corresponding guidelines issued by the Secretary General; and

(iv)         Other words, conduct, or action, usually repeated or persistent, which:

(a)               Are unwelcome;

(b)               Are directed at a specific person (“the victim”) in the workplace or

           otherwise in the performance of their official duties;

(c)                Are intended to annoy, alarm, or cause substantial emotional distress  to the victim;

(d)      Serve no legitimate purpose; and

(e)      Are reasonably regarded by other reasonable persons, under

            the circumstances, as offensive, humiliating, intimidating,  

            violent, or  intrusive of reasonable expectations of privacy.

You can access the Executive order at:


Should you have any questions please contact us at

[email protected]


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