From the Staff Committee 2014-2015


March 26th, 2015


Original: English


In celebration of the International Day of Trans Visibility,
the OAS Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Group
is pleased to invite you to the


Interactive Workshop on Trans Identities
Celebrating Trans Identities



Tuesday March 31, 2015


12 to 1 pm


1889 F Street NW (GSB Building)
8th Floor - Salón “Rubén Darío”


The International Day of Trans Visibility is an international celebration on March 31 to celebrate trans identities and raise awareness of their existence, their rights, their fight for equality, and that they still suffer from alarming levels of discrimination throughout the world.

The OAS LGBTQI Group hosts this interactive workshop so that anyone who wishes to attend can participate interactively with a panel of three trans persons who will share first-hand their stories and will explain basic concepts related to gender identity, the trans de-pathologization movement, some of the issues that trans persons face globally, as well as their own experiences. This will be followed by a question and answer session where everyone will be able to participate. 

Opening remmarks:

·         Emilio Álvarez-Icaza, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.


·         Luc Athayde-Rizzaro, Brazilian trans lawyer [presenting in English/Spanish].

·         Matías Matilde Gonzalez Gil, Colombian trans/gender-queer activist [presenting in Spanish].

·         Ruby Jade Corado, DC-based Salvadorian trans activist [presenting in Spanish].

Bring a pen or pencil in order to participate!

In order to be respectful of the panelist’s time, the event will start on time,
so be punctual if you don’t want to miss any information!

Please RSVP to Lucas Ramón Mendos at [email protected]


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